React - Flatlist doesn't render anything


I have a React-Native project that renders a list of items.

I was using .map function to do it but since I'll have several items in the future, I'm trying to migrate the function to flatlist.

The documentation provided by React is quite simple, yet I can't get it to work. Any ideas why?

here's my code:

renderEtiquetas() {

        // this commented code works just fine
        // return =>
        //   <EtiquetaDetail key={} etiqueta={etiqueta} galleries={ this.props.galleries } />
        // );

          data={ this.props.etiquetas }
          keyExtractor={etiqueta =>}
          renderItem={({ etiqueta }) => (
            <EtiquetaDetail key={} etiqueta={etiqueta} galleries={ this.props.galleries } />


here is the content for this.props.etiquetas has this format: [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}] and here is one of the objects in it: {id: 523, date: "2014-04-16T16:30:03", date_gmt: "2014-04-16T16:30:03", modified: "2018-01-13T00:00:43"}

Thanks for your time!


The problem was that I was missing the return word before Also, I tried extraData={this.state} but didn't do anything.

Thanks @Chao Chen for answering!

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