How to create a get request for many-to-one columns?

Malik Safwan

I currently have made a spring boot project which is for an event system. In the model for booking class, I have two objects one is an event and the other one is the user. Now I want to create a get request that allows me to get all bookings made by a single user and all the bookings for a single event respectively. I have managed to create the other requests which are getting all the bookings and getting a booking by the booking id.

Right now if I try to make create any sort of implementation it either gives me a null pointer error or tells me the table relation "booking" doesn't exist. Please let me know if it's possible to write such a get request. Thanks


        name = "booking_sequence",
        sequenceName = "booking_sequence",
        allocationSize = 1
        strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE,
        generator = "booking_sequence"
private Long id;

        name = "event_id",
        referencedColumnName = "id"
private Event event;

        name = "user_id",
        referencedColumnName = "id"
private User user;

private Integer tickets;
private Integer amount;


public interface BookingRepository extends JpaRepository<Booking, Long > {
    Optional<Booking> findBookingById(Long id);


public BookingService(BookingRepository bookingRepository) {
    this.bookingRepository = bookingRepository;

public List<Booking> getBookingList() {
    return bookingRepository.findAll();

public Booking getSingleBooking(Long bookingId) {
    return bookingRepository.findBookingById(bookingId).orElseThrow();


public List<Booking> getBookings() {
    return bookingService.getBookingList();

@GetMapping(path = "{bookingId}")
public Booking getSingleBooking(@PathVariable("bookingId") Long bookingId) {
    return bookingService.getSingleBooking(bookingId);}

@GetMapping(path = "/user/{userId}")
public List<Booking> getUserBookings(@PathVariable("userId") Long userId) {
    return bookingService.getBookingByUser(userId);}

@GetMapping(path = "/event/{eventId}")
public List<Booking> getEventBookings(@PathVariable("eventId") Long eventId) {
    return bookingService.getBookingForEvent(eventId);}
Malik Safwan

So it is possible to make such requests, all I did was use "nativeQuery" so that it would function the way I want it to. As mentioned I wanted to make two get-requests and here is how I wrote the queries for them.

Getting all user bookings of a specific user using its "ID":

@Query(value = "SELECT * from bookings, user where bookings.user_id = :id", nativeQuery = true)
List<Booking> findByUserid(Long id);

Getting all event bookings of a specific event using its "ID":

@Query(value = "SELECT * from bookings, user where bookings.event_id = :id", nativeQuery = true)
List<Booking> findByEventid(Long id);

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