Failure when creating Content Runtime


When I tried to deploy the Content Runtime it failed with the error:

null_resource.singlenode (remote-exec): ERROR: CONFIGURATION ERROR:Specified config file /etc/opscode/pivotal.rb does not exist
null_resource.singlenode (remote-exec): Creating admin user: chef-admin
null_resource.singlenode: Still creating... (8m30s elapsed)
null_resource.singlenode (remote-exec): ERROR: CONFIGURATION ERROR:Specified config file /etc/opscode/pivotal.rb does not exist
Error applying plan:

I see this error when I try to create content-runtime using vSphere or Other template. What could be the cause?


From review of the chef logs, you might find a failed chef config, specifically this issue:

You can clean the chef install (chef-server-ctl cleanse), and launch the command line to then successfully complete the install. From CAM perspective, you can resubmit the other template create of the content runtime, and the VM will then become usable and known to CAM.

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