How to get image src value from server side jquery datatable in datatable?


I am using jquery datatable and filling that datatable with ajax call and its working fine but now i need to shows the images in a column but i m don't know how to bind these images.Image link is coming from backend in category_image.

Back End:

var displayedCategories = filteredCategories;
var result = from c in displayedCategories select new[] 
{, c.category_name, c.category_image,};
return Json(new{
sEcho = param.sEcho,
iTotalRecords = lstAllCategories.Count,
iTotalDisplayRecords = 10,
aaData = result},JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Front End:

"bServerSide": true,
"sAjaxDataProp": "aaData",
"bProcessing": true,
"bLengthChange": false,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"bSort": true,
{"sName": "id"},
{"sName": "category_name" },
{"sName": "category_image",
"bSearchable": false,
"bSortable": false,
"mRender": function (data) {
return '<img src="" width="50" height="50" />'
{"mData": "Id",
"bSearchable": false,
"bSortable": false,
"sWidth": "40px",
"mRender": function (data) {
return '<button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" >Edit</button>'
"ajax": "/Admin/InterestsJson",
"columns": [
{ "data": "id" },
{ "data": "category_name" },
{ "data": "category_image" },
{ "data": "id" }

in mRender, data (==category_image) should be set as src for the image :

{ "sName": "category_image",
  "bSearchable": false,
  "bSortable": false,
  "mRender": function(data, type, full) {
     return '<img src="'+data+'" width="50" height="50" />'

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