VSOMEIP-두 장치 (TCP / UDP) 간의 통신이 작동하지 않음

롭 크로울리

VSOMEIP 튜토리얼 Vsomeip을 10 분 안에 따라하면 모든 것이 두 장치 간의 통신 지점까지 작동 합니다 .

현재 설정 :

  • Ubuntu 16.04 (2 대의 컴퓨터-서버 및 클라이언트)
  • 이더넷을 통해 연결된 두 대의 머신

사용 된 파일 :

  • server.cpp
  • client.cpp
  • client_config.json
  • server_config.json

서버 출력

[info] Parsed vsomeip configuration in 1ms
[info] Using configuration file: "../clie_prop.json".
[info] Default configuration module loaded.
[info] Initializing vsomeip application "Hello".
[info] SOME/IP client identifier configured. Using 0033 (was: 1313)
[info] Instantiating routing manager [Proxy].
[info] Client [33] is connecting to [0] at /tmp/vsomeip-0
[info] Listening at /tmp/vsomeip-33
[info] Application(Hello, 33) is initialized (11, 100).
[info] Starting vsomeip application "Hello" using 2 threads
[warning] local_client_endpoint::connect: Couldn't connect to: /tmp/vsomeip-0 (Connection refused / 111)
[info] io thread id from application: 0033 (Hello) is: 7f80f5cd88c0 TID: 1497
[info] routing_manager_proxy::on_disconnect: Client 0x33 calling host_->on_state with DEREGISTERED
[info] io thread id from application: 0033 (Hello) is: 7f80f15e7700 TID: 1501
[info] shutdown thread id from application: 0033 (Hello) is: 7f80f1de8700 TID: 1500
[info] main dispatch thread id from application: 0033 (Hello) is: 7f80f25e9700 TID: 1499
[warning] local_client_endpoint::connect: Couldn't connect to: /tmp/vsomeip-0 (Connection refused / 111)
[info] routing_manager_proxy::on_disconnect: Client 0x33 calling host_->on_state with DEREGISTERED
[warning] local_client_endpoint::connect: Couldn't connect to: /tmp/vsomeip-0 (Connection refused / 111)
[info] routing_manager_proxy::on_disconnect: Client 0x33 calling host_->on_state with DEREGISTERED
[warning] local_client_endpoint::connect: Couldn't connect to: /tmp/vsomeip-0 (Connection refused / 111)
[info] routing_manager_proxy::on_disconnect: Client 0x33 calling host_->on_state with DEREGISTERED
[warning] local_client_endpoint::connect: Couldn't connect to: /tmp/vsomeip-0 (Connection refused / 111)
[info] routing_manager_proxy::on_disconnect: Client 0x33 calling host_->on_state with DEREGISTERED
[warning] local_client_endpoint::connect: Couldn't connect to: /tmp/vsomeip-0 (Connection refused / 111)
[info] routing_manager_proxy::on_disconnect: Client 0x33 calling host_->on_state with DEREGISTERED

클라이언트 출력

[info] Parsed vsomeip configuration in 0ms
[info] Using configuration file: "../serv_prop.json".
[info] Default configuration module loaded.
[info] Initializing vsomeip application "World".
[warning] Routing Manager seems to be inactive. Taking over...
[info] SOME/IP client identifier configured. Using 1212 (was: 1212)
[info] Instantiating routing manager [Host].
[info] init_routing_endpoint Routing endpoint at /tmp/vsomeip-0
[info] Client [1212] is connecting to [0] at /tmp/vsomeip-0
[info] Service Discovery enabled. Trying to load module.
[info] Service Discovery module loaded.
[info] Application(World, 1212) is initialized (11, 100).
[info] OFFER(1212): [1234.5678:0.0]
[info] Starting vsomeip application "World" using 2 threads
[info] Watchdog is disabled!
[info] io thread id from application: 1212 (World) is: 7fa68723d8c0 TID: 5370
[info] Network interface "enp0s3" state changed: up
[info] vSomeIP 2.10.21 | (default)
[info] Sent READY to systemd watchdog
[info] io thread id from application: 1212 (World) is: 7fa6828f3700 TID: 5374
[info] shutdown thread id from application: 1212 (World) is: 7fa6838f5700 TID: 5372
[info] main dispatch thread id from application: 1212 (World) is: 7fa6840f6700 TID: 5371
[warning] Releasing client identifier 0003. Its corresponding application went offline while no routing manager was running.
[info] Application/Client 0003 is deregistering.

사용 된 모든 코드 는 vsomeip Tutorial의 Request / Response 에서 사용한 코드와 동일합니다 . 설정 파일 에 지정된 설정 파일과 동일 두 장치 사이의 통신 섹션 내 컴퓨터 주소와 일치하도록 변경된 IP 주소와 .

어떤 도움이라도 대단히 감사하겠습니다.

롭 크로울리

해결책을 찾았습니다 !!

vsomeip 또는 vsomeip-master 디렉토리 / build / examples 폴더로 이동하면 실행 파일 (response-sample, subscribe-sample 등)을 찾을 수 있습니다. vsomeip에서 사용 된 것과 동일한 구성 파일을 10 분 만에 (유니 캐스트 주소 변경 등) 사용하도록 실행하면 완벽하게 작동합니다. 이것은 내가 사용한 구성 파일입니다.

    "unicast" : "",
    "logging" :
        "level" : "debug",
        "console" : "true",
        "file" : { "enable" : "false", "path" : "/tmp/vsomeip.log" },
        "dlt" : "false"
    "applications" :
            "name" : "World",
            "id" : "0x1212"
    "services" :
            "service" : "0x1234",
            "instance" : "0x5678",
            "unreliable" : "30509"
    "routing" : "World",
    "service-discovery" :
        "enable" : "true",
        "multicast" : "",
        "port" : "30490",
        "protocol" : "udp",
        "initial_delay_min" : "10",
        "initial_delay_max" : "100",
        "repetitions_base_delay" : "200",
        "repetitions_max" : "3",
        "ttl" : "3",
        "cyclic_offer_delay" : "2000",
        "request_response_delay" : "1500"

이를 위해 쉘 스크립트를 사용했습니다.

route add -host dev <interface>
export VSOMEIP_CONFIGURATION=<config_file>
export VSOMEIP_APPLICATION_NAME=<application_name>

어쨌든 그것은 나를 위해했다! 도움이 되었기를 바랍니다! :)

이 기사는 인터넷에서 수집됩니다. 재 인쇄 할 때 출처를 알려주십시오.

침해가 발생한 경우 연락 주시기 바랍니다[email protected] 삭제

에서 수정

몇 마디 만하겠습니다

로그인참여 후 검토

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