how do i extract only the records with all email entries missing

Soufiane Benounssi

I have a question so I have this table:

| Manager_Name | Email_Address |
| ------------ | ------------- |
| person A     |[email protected]|
| person A     |Null|
| person A     |Null|
| person A     |[email protected]|
| person A     |[email protected]|
| person B     |Null|
| person B     |Null|
| person B     |Null|
| person B     |Null|
| person B     |Null|
| person C     |[email protected]|
| person C     |[email protected]|
| person C     |[email protected]|
| person C     |[email protected]|
| person C     |[email protected]|
| person D     |Null|
| person D     |Null|
| person D     |Null|
| person D     |Null|
| person D     |Null|

My question is how do I extract only the the managers that have all the 5 email addresses missing like person B and person D, in the original table I have a lot of them I want to get only them with all 5 addresses missing.


You can group by Manager_Name and set the condition in the HAVING clause:

SELECT Manager_Name
FROM tablename
GROUP BY Manager_Name
HAVING MAX(Email_Address) IS NULL;

See the demo.


侵害の場合は、連絡してください[email protected]





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