Unable to access test resources from junit tests

zyd :

Edit: Turns out I hadn't rebuilt the program in a while. If all the other answers for this kind of problem are not working for you, try rebuilding! Thanks Timo!

I've looked at a ton of answers and tried a bunch of stuff. I know I must be doing something extremely minor wrong. If anyone has a quick tip please let me know, this is slowly killing me.

My directory setup is: enter image description here

I'm trying to read in testDom.xml with

File testFile = new File(getClass().getResource("testDom.xml").getFile());

I've tried loading from the class:

File testFile = new File(GemsDomGetChildrenTest.class.getResource("testDom.xml").getFile());

I've tried both with the path as


And I've tried all those paths without leading '/' as well.

The resources folder also seems to be added as a test resource in IntelliJ too:

enter image description here

I get that this is probably a duplicative question and has been asked a million times, but I'm really struggling to see what I'm doing differently than all the other questions I've viewed so far. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

zyd :

Alright so Timo was able to figure it out. I hadn't rebuilt the project for a while (:facepalm:). Coming from the python world here, where things are a little different. Thanks for working through this with me everyone, it really means a lot!

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