How to select a specific overload of a method?


I'm calling a C# API which uses overloads and optional parameters. Unfortunately, one of the overloads is a params object[] and F# selects it over a more specific overload which I intend to call. How do I make F# select the overload I want?

Here's a small repro. And here is a link to the actual API.

open System
open System.Linq.Expressions

type S =
    static member Foo(expression: Expression<Func<int>>, ?gg: string) = 
    static member Foo([<ParamArray>] args: obj[]) = 
        "params array"

let main argv =
    // This prints "params array", but I want it to print "expression"
    let result = S.Foo(fun () -> 3, "")
    printfn "%s" result

To call the expression version with two arguments, you need:

let result = S.Foo((fun () -> 3), "")

In your code, you've actually defined a function that returns a (3, "") tuple, which is only a single argument.

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