java swing setting frame background color not working


I am trying to create a tic tac toe game using java swing. I created a frame and set its background to a color. The problem is that the background color of the frame is not changing, I tried using other colors but the background color is always white. here is the code:

public class TicTacToe implements ActionListener {
    Random random = new Random();
    JFrame frame = new JFrame();
    JPanel title_panel = new JPanel();
    JPanel button_panel = new JPanel();
    JLabel textField = new JLabel();
    JButton[] button = new JButton[9];
    boolean player1_turn;

    TicTacToe () {
        frame.setTitle("Tic Tac Toe");
        frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

        textField.setBackground(new Color(0x084887));
        textField.setForeground(new Color(0xF58A07));
        textField.setFont(new Font("Ink Free",Font.BOLD,75));

        title_panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

        title_panel.add(textField, BorderLayout.NORTH);

You attempt to set the background of the content pane:


But then you add the "title panel" to the frame:


So your title panel completely covers the content pane.

You need to set the background color of your title panel.

Other issues with the code:

  1. Don't use setBounds() on a component. The layout manager will determine the size/location of each component.
  2. You should only invoke the setVisible(...) method AFTER all components have been added to the frame.
  3. You should pack() the frame before making the frame visible. This will ensure all components are displayed at their preferred sizes.
  4. The GUI should be created on the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT).

Read the Swing tutorial. The section on Concurrency will explain why this is important. All example in the tutorial will demonstrate how to make sure code is on the EDT.

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