How to prevent a template class from being derived more than once?


I have the following template class:

template<class I>
class T : public I
    // ...

This template class need to be derived once (and only once) for a given template parameter I.

class A : public T<U>  {};    // ok
class B : public T<V>  {};    // ok
class C : public T<U>  {};    // compile error

Template class T can be adapted to achieve such a behavior (while classes A, B, U, V cannot); however, T must not have any knowledge about derived classes A, B, C.

Is there any way to prevent such a template class from being derived more than once? Ideally issuing a compilation error in such a case or, at least, a linker error.


This is possible if the base class T knows the types of its derived classes. This knowledge can be passed by CRTP or by an overloading tag to its constructor. Here's the latter case:

template<class I>
class T : public I
    template< class Derived >
    T( Derived * ) {
        static_assert ( std::is_base_of< T, Derived >::value,
            "Be honest and pass the derived this to T::T." );

Then, T::T( Derived * ) needs to do something that will cause a problem if it has two specializations (with different Derived). Friend functions are great for that. Instantiate an auxiliary, non-member class depending on <T, Derived>, with a friend function that depends on T but not Derived.

        T_Derived_reservation< T, Derived >{};

Here's the auxiliary class. (Its definition should come before T.) First, it needs a base class to allow ADL on T_Derived_reservation< T, Derived > to find a signature that doesn't mention Derived.

template< typename T >
class T_reservation {
    // Make the friend visible to the derived class by ADL.
    friend void reserve_compile_time( T_reservation );

    // Double-check at runtime to catch conflicts between TUs.
    void reserve_runtime( std::type_info const & derived ) {
    #ifndef NDEBUG
        static std::type_info const & proper_derived = derived;
        assert ( derived == proper_derived &&
            "Illegal inheritance from T." );

template< typename T, typename Derived >
struct T_Derived_reservation
    : T_reservation< T > {
    T_Derived_reservation() {
        reserve_compile_time( * this );
        this->reserve_runtime( typeid( Derived ) );

    /* Conflicting derived classes within the translation unit
       will cause a multiple-definition error on reserve_compile_time. */
    friend void reserve_compile_time( T_reservation< T > ) {}

It would be nice to get a link error when two .cpp files declare different incompatible derived classes, but I can't prevent the linker from merging the inline functions. So, the assert will fire instead. (You can probably manage to declare all the derived classes in a header, and not worry about the assert firing.)


You've edited to say that T cannot know its derived types. Well, there's nothing you can do at compile time, since that information is simply unavailable. If T is polymorphic, then you can observe the dynamic type to be the derived class A or B, but not in the constructor or destructor. If there's some other function reliably called by the derived class, you can hook into that:

template< typename I >
class T {
    virtual ~ T() = default;

    something_essential() {
    #ifndef NDEBUG
        static auto const & derived_type = typeid( * this );
        assert ( derived_type == typeid( * this ) &&
            "Illegal inheritance from T." );
        // Do actual essential work.

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