Unprotect the Excel workbooks in a specified path and refresh the workbook conection and then protect the workbooks

Dhakshna Moorthy

To elaborate(Unprotect the Excel workbooks in a specified path and refresh the workbook conection and then protec the workbooks)

I've a four workbooks in a specific path used by different users. I've used the power query to consolidate the workbooks with my Mastersheet using Data--> Refreshall. Some of the internal team issues I'm in a situation of protecting the workbooks.

After the initiation, the mastersheet won't get refreshed it indicates '[DataFormat.Error] File contains corrupted data.'. When i'm unprotecting the workbook, it worked properly.

So, please help me with this.

Option Explicit
Sub Unlock_Refresh()

    Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
    Dim Filepath As String, Filename As String
    Dim n As Long
    Const pass = "1519"
    Filepath = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1").Value
    If Right(Filepath, 1) <> "\" Then Filepath = Filepath & "\"
    Filename = Dir(Filepath & "*.xls*")
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Do While Filename <> ""
        Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filepath & Filename, Password:=pass)
        With wb
            .Unprotect Password:=pass
            Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:10")
            .Protect Password:=pass
            .Close savechanges:=True
        End With
        n = n + 1
        Filename = Dir

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    MsgBox n & " workbooks refreshed in " & vbLf & Filepath, vbInformation    
End Sub

Don't know if this is related to the issue you're having or not, but there appears to be some logical disconnections in your code.

Set wb = Workbooks.Open(Filepath & Filename, Password:=pass)

Opens a workbook using a password that would be required only if the book was password protected to open. I note here:
a) this line of code will work even of no 'password-to-open' was set
b) as the code doesn't set a password-to-open, one assumes that is done manually?


.Unprotect Password:=pass
.Protect Password:=pass

Un-protects the book-structure (and windows), refreshes external data, then re-protects the book-structure (only). I note here:
a) book-structure protection doesn't need to be off, in order to refresh external data
b) this doesn't set the 'password-to-open'
So it's unclear why the un-protect and re-protect logic cycle is there?

In case it's relevant, the following code would be used to set the 'password-to-open':

[workbook].Protect = pass

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