CRTP refer to typedef in derived class from base class

Alexander Bily

I have following code:

template <typename T>
class A
    typedef typename T::Type MyType;

template <typename T>
class B : public A<B<T>>
    typedef T Type;

When I try to instantiate B, I get following error message using MSVS 2015:

'Type': is not a member of 'B<int>'

Is this code valid C++ or is MSVS right?


The problem is at this point

template <typename T>
class A
    typedef typename T::Type MyType;

T needs to be a complete type. But in your case, when A<T> is instantiated here:

template <typename T>
class B : public A<B<T>>

B<T> is not yet a complete type! So this cannot work unfortunately.

The simple solution is just to pass in Type separately:

template <typename T, typename Type>
class A
    typedef Type MyType;

template <typename T>
class B : public A<B<T>, T>


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