What is the error in this python program?

Sheikh Ahmad Shah

I am just recently learning to code in python. I am trying to write a program, where given integer will give an output with a root and power (range is set 5 for instance). Here is the code:

user_input = int (raw_input ('Enter your number: '))
root = 1
pwr = 1
def noint ():
    return 'no intergers were found'

def output ():
    return root, '^', pwr
if user_input < 1:
    print noint ()

elif user_input == 1:
    print output ()

    while root < user_input:
        root = root + 1
        if root == user_input:
            print output()   
            for power in range(5):
                if root ** power == user_input:
                    pwr = power
                    print output()

Now, if I try 25 as an input, output is: (5, '^', 2) (25, '^', 2)

But if I try any prime number like 7, output is:

(7, '^', 1)

What is the problem in coding which is giving me the extra output (25, '^', 2)?


If you only want the (root, power) pair with the smallest root value possible, then:

    while root < user_input:
        root = root + 1
        pwr = 1
        for power in range(5):
            if root ** power == user_input:
                pwr = power
                raise Found
except Found:
    print output()

If you want all (root, power) pairs, then:

while root < user_input:
    root = root + 1
    pwr = 1
    for power in range(5):
        if root ** power == user_input:
            pwr = power
            print output()

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