keep track of multiple terminals from shell script


I am writing a quick start shell script to automatically set up my development environment for a current project. However, none of the commands in the shell script can be executed after my server starts because it takes over the terminal. I am trying to open a new tab, start the server in there and then continue executing my shell script in the original tab. My script currently looks like this:

subl myProj
cd myProj
gnome-terminal --tab
npm start
google-chrome http://localhost:3000

myProj ends up opening in the new tab and the server starts in the original tab. chrome never launches.

Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy

Scripts execute commands in sequence, and wait until each command finishes. However, there is a way to allow the script to continue executing past a specific command - add & on the end of the script.

For instance:

echo "Next line"

Will wait till firefox is closed.

firefox &
echo "Next line"

Will execute echo command and allow keeping firefox open

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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