Swift: check type of property from object (Reflection)


I want to use reflection to check the property type of a given object at runtime.

I use this code:

//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit

class Object: NSObject
    var type:Int?
    var name="Apple"
    var delicious=true

let object = Object()

// now check the "type" property
println(reflect(object)[1].1.value) // this gives me nil
println(reflect(object)[1].1.valueType) // this gives Swift.Optional<Swift.Int>

// check for Optional... works fine - Says "Optional"
if reflect(object)[1].1.disposition == MirrorDisposition.Optional {

// check for type... does not work, because type is an optional - says: not Int
if reflect(object)[1].1.valueType is Int.Type {
} else {
    println("no Int")

As you can see on this code, I can'n check "valueType", because it is an Optional.

But how can I check the type of this "Optional" property?

Thanks, Urkman

Zell B.

Note that optional Int is a different type from Int so you must check it with Int?.Type

if reflect(object)[1].1.valueType is Int?.Type {
    println("Int Optional")

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