Select data from one table & then rename the columns based on another table in SQL server


I have two tables. TableOne which contains two columns (name & value). TableTwo can contain N no. of columns. Number of rows in TableOne will be equal to number of columns in TableTwo.

see the below image for more information.

enter image description here

What I want:

When I run select query on TableTwo, the result-set should pick the column names based on value column of TableOne. We need to match column name of TableTwo with rows available in TableOne and perform transform.

So the output should look like this:

ColumnOne | ColumnTwo | columnThree | ColumnFour

 1           1            1             2015-05-08 15:28:22.630
 2           2            2             2015-05-07 15:28:22.630
Sam Abushanab

You can use dynamic sql to generate the query to execute based on the values in the first table. Here is an example:

Declare @dynamicSQL nvarchar(200)

SET @dynamicSQL = 'SELECT ' + (SELECT stuff((select ',' + name + ' AS ' + value from Table1 for xml path('')),1,1,'')) + ' FROM Table2'

EXECUTE sp_executesql @dynamicSQL

SQL Fiddle:!6/768f9/10

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