Intersection of Dictionary based on keys and values


I have a couple of dictionaries that I want to perform intersection on. two dictionaries might have different lists of values for the same key.


Dictionary<int, List<int>> Primary = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
Primary.Add(1, new List<int>());

Primary.Add(2, new List<int>());

Dictionary<int, List<int>> Secondary = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
Secondary.Add(1, new List<int>());

Secondary.Add(3, new List<int>());

So I want the resultant dictionary to contain only:


How can I achieve this? The actual data structure where I want the intersection is of the form:

Dictionary<long, SortedList<int,List<long>>>

You can achieve this as follows:

var result = Primary.Keys.Intersect(Secondary.Keys)
                 .ToDictionary(key => key,
                               key => Primary[key].Intersect(Secondary[key]).ToList());

Transforming the result into Dictionary<long, SortedList<int,List<long>>> should be easy enough.

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