How can i get the correct information to display in my listbox?


I have two Listboxes where you can move exercises from an available list of exercises to a list of selected exercises for a specific user. My current problem is that my selected list (aka RegimeItems) shows the exercises for all of the users.

I believe the problem lies in ChosenExercises(at the bottom of controller) i am also getting a null reference exception at:

var regimeIDs = model.SavedRequested.Split(',').Select(x => int.Parse(x));


            public ActionResult ExerciseIndex(int? id, UserExerciseViewModel vmodel)
                User user = db.Users.Find(id);
                user.RegimeItems = ChosenExercises();
                UserExerciseViewModel model = new UserExerciseViewModel { AvailableExercises = GetAllExercises(), RequestedExercises = ChosenExercises(user, vmodel) };
                user.RegimeItems = model.RequestedExercises;
                return View(model);

            public ActionResult ExerciseIndex(UserExerciseViewModel model, string add, string remove, string send, int id)
                User user = db.Users.Find(id);
                user.RegimeItems = model.RequestedExercises;;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(add))
                    AddExercises(model, id);
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remove))
                    RemoveExercises(model, id);        
                return View(model);

            void SaveState(UserExerciseViewModel model)
                model.SavedRequested = string.Join(",", model.RequestedExercises.Select(p => p.RegimeItemID.ToString()).ToArray());
                model.AvailableExercises = GetAllExercises().ToList();

            void RestoreSavedState(UserExerciseViewModel model)
                model.RequestedExercises = new List<RegimeItem>();

                //get the previously stored items
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SavedRequested))
                    string[] exIds = model.SavedRequested.Split(',');
                    var exercises = GetAllExercises().Where(p => exIds.Contains(p.ExerciseID.ToString()));

            private List<Exercise> GetAllExercises()
                return db.Exercises.ToList();

            private List<RegimeItem> ChosenExercises(User user, UserExerciseViewModel model)//RegimeItem regimeItem)
var regimeIDs = model.SavedRequested.Split(',').Select(x => int.Parse(x));
            return db.RegimeItems.Where(e => regimeIDs.Contains(e.RegimeItemID)).ToList();
            //return db.Users.Where(r => r.RegimeItems = user.UserID);
            //return db.Users.Where(r => r.RegimeItems.RegimeItemID == user.UserID);


  public class User
        public int UserID { get; set; }
        public ICollection<RegimeItem> RegimeItems { get; set; }
        public User()
            this.RegimeItems = new List<RegimeItem>();
    public class RegimeItem
        public int RegimeItemID { get; set; }
        public Exercise RegimeExercise { get; set; }


public class UserExerciseViewModel
    public List<Exercise> AvailableExercises { get; set; }
    public List<RegimeItem> RequestedExercises { get; set; }
    public int? SelectedExercise { get; set; }
    public int[] AvailableSelected { get; set; }
    public int[] RequestedSelected { get; set; }
    public string SavedRequested { get; set; }
Peter B

Try changing

return db.Users.Where(r => r.RegimeItems = user.UserID);


return db.Users.Where(r => r.RegimeItems.RegimeItemID == user.UserID);

Because the way I read it you're currently trying to match an int with an object.

edit: Another error was resulted which the OP found himself.

"It seems that RegimeItems is a collection of RegimeItem - it does not have a have a single ID. So it needed to be .Where(u => u.UserID == user.UserID) and then to select the regimeItems associated with the user .SelectMany(u => u.RegimeItems).ToList(); Thanks for your help, if you update your answer with that i will mark yours as the correct answer." -Nilmag

Collected from the Internet

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