How to remove sliding effect while moving one state to another in ionic?

Pallavi Sharma

I am trying to move one view to another on button click> I am able to move one one view to second .But while moving it start slide from right to left .I need to stop that sliding . mean I need to learn various type of way to move one view to another using animation (left to right or up to down or no animation or down to up) .

Check my code here

click preview button .And type "ABW" and select "ABW" row .it download data from server and after that it move to second view with sliding why ? I need to stop that sliding .

Secondly I am downloading the data in first controller .is there any better way to hit server or call webservice before moving to second view ?

     $scope.SEARCH.selected = true;

            $http.get(""+ $scope.SEARCH.stationCode).then(function(data){

Actually I need that data on second view ? here is code

Karan Kumar

I don't know why you want to remove that animation, Its so sweet, but here you go.

app.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider,$ionicConfigProvider){
          // rest of the config    

Edit: For your second question: here is a code snippet as to how to use resolve of ui-router

resolve: {
       resolvedData: function ($http) {
         var result = $http.get(yourUrlHere).success(function (data) {
                         return data;
                      }).error(function (err) {
                         return err;
                         return result;

And in your controller , inject "resolvedData"

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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