Excel - conditional formatting between two columns of numbers (greater or less than)


I'm trying to come up with a formula, or way of highlighting cells of column G if the value is greater than the cell next to it on the same row in column H.

I can use the conditional formatting style to apply this no problem, but i can't seem to figure out how to select the whole column G against column H in one go. I would have to continuously do the same conditional formatting for every row which pretty much defeats the purpose. Ultimately, I have a large amount of data and want to immediately highlight any items i have greater or equal on hand (column G quantity to my annual usage (column H)

any help with a formula or way of replicating the conditional formatting would be greatly appreciated.

Example: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i88jkqduj5p2soz/conditional%20formatting%20example.JPG?dl=0

barry houdini

For conditional formatting if you select a range of data first then that range will become the "applies to" range and you only need apply the formula that's required for the top left cell of the range - this formula will then implicitly adjust (as if dragged) for the whole "applies to" range, so if you have data in G2:H100 then just select the range G2:G100 and apply this formula in conditional formatting:


choose format as required > OK

If you genuinely want the whole column then just select column G and adjust my suggested formula to work for row 1

Collected from the Internet

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