Haskell function definition


I'm having trouble defining a function in Haskell. What I want to do is input a variable of type EnvV and one of type Store and return a State type variable:

type Variable = String
type Z = Integer
type T = Bool
type State = Variable -> Z
type Location = Z
type Store = Location -> Z
type EnvV = Variable -> Location

search :: EnvV -> Store -> State
search envV store = envV(store)  

Try matching the types:

You have EnvV which is Variable -> Location and Store which is Location -> Z

And you want the output of State which is Variable -> Z

Can you see the connection between them ? You have to eliminate Location between them.

search :: EnvV -> Store -> State
search envV store = \x -> store (envV x)

Since you want Variable in the output, introduce x which denotes that. Then apply it to envV which will give you Location . Now apply that to store which will give Z. This will give you a type of Variable -> Z which is expected by you.

This can be written more concisely:

search :: EnvV -> Store -> State
search envV store = store . envV

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