Select alternate rows from SQL Server table


I am working with SQL Server 2008. I have a table which does not contain any unique columns; how to get alternate rows from it?

SQL Server table:

|  id |  name  |
|  1  |  abc   |
|  2  |  pqr   |
|  2  |  pqr   |
|  3  |  xyz   |
|  4  |  lmn   |
|  5  |  efg   |
|  5  |  efg   |

As we've to come with at least one working suggestion with the question, I've tried below code; which is not so proper technique when fetching from a huge amount of data.


create table #tmp
    id int, name varchar(10), srNo int

insert into #tmp
      id, name,
      ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY id) % 2 as srNo   --,alternate rows

select * 
from #tmp 
where srNo = 1 --or srNo = 0

Above query gives out alternate rows i.e. 1st, 3rd, 5th OR 2nd, 4th, 6th etc.

Please help me out with proper way without #tmp to achieve the goal!

Thank you!


You can just use your select statement as an in-line view. You don't need the #tmp table.

select, name
from (select id, name, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by id) as srNo from Employee) t
where (t.srNo % 2) = 1


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