Why are the macros gone after a user saves the spreadsheet?

Bob S

We have spreadsheets with macros stored on a server. These are stored as .xlsm.

A user had W7 reinstalled on his PC. Now if he accesses a spreadsheet from the server the macros are missing. When he saved the spreadsheet back no other user could access the macro.

Does anyone have an answer why this happened?


There are two possible things going on here; 1) when the file is opened and 2) when the file is closed.

  1. For security reasons, Excel disables all macros by default. The user needs to modify the Macro Security in the Trust Center (File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings button > Macro Settings) to be able to use and edit a macro-enabled sheet.
  2. When saving, Excel will ask the user to save the sheet as Macro-Enabled with and extension of xlsm. If the user chooses not to do this, it will save the sheet as a standard sheet without the macros.

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