Python Dictionaries: Grouping Key, Value pairs based on a common key, value


I have a list that contains dictionaries like this:

list1 = [{'name': 'bob', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': '123 house lane', 
'student_id': 12345}, {'name': 'steve', 'email': '[email protected]',
'address': '456 house lane', 'student_id': 34567}, {'name': 'bob',
'email': '[email protected]', 'address': '789 house lane', 'student_id': 45678}]

Is there a way in python to group selected key, values pairs within a new dictionary based on 'name' value? For instance, something like this as an end result:

new_list = [
    {'name': 'bob', 
         {'emails': ['[email protected]', 
                    '[email protected]']}, 
         {'address': ['123 house lane', 
                    '789 house lane']},
    {'name': 'steve',
        {'email': ... },
        {'address': ... }}
      # let's assume the list1 has various entries at some point 
      # which may or may not have duplicate 'name' values
      # and new_list will hold the groupings

The code below gives you nested dictionaries. Nested dictionaries give you faster processing to find the key while in list you have to create a loop.

list1 = [{'name': 'bob', 'email': '[email protected]', 'address': '123 house lane', 
'student_id': 12345}, {'name': 'steve', 'email': '[email protected]',
'address': '456 house lane', 'student_id': 34567}, {'name': 'bob',
'email': '[email protected]', 'address': '789 house lane', 'student_id': 45678}]

dict1 = {}
for content in list1:
    if content['name'] in [name for name in dict1]:
        dict1[content['name']] = {'emails': dict1[content['name']]['emails'] + [content['address']], 'addresses': dict1[content['name']]['addresses'] + [content['email']]}
        dict1[content['name']] = {'emails': [content['email']], 'addresses': [content['address']]}
print dict1

Output of the code is

{'steve': {'emails': ['[email protected]'], 'addresses': ['456 house lane']}, 'bob': {'emails': ['[email protected]', '789 house lane'], 'addresses': ['123 house lane', '[email protected]']}}

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