Is there any way to return battery percentage in the username field in Windows?


I know that in Windows, (10 at least) that if you type .\ in the username field of the "other" user login screen, you get the computer name.

Does anyone know if there is a way to return a battery percentage from this field?


No, there is no way to achieve this. Login field accepts several formats of user name, including:

With the second pattern (NetBIOS format) the domain part can be replaced with a local machine name for local accounts. In addition a dot . is used to indicate a local machine in NetBIOS naming.

The fact that you get a local machine name resolved comes directly from the fact that .\username is equivalent of local_machine\username. It is a vital information for the login process.

On the other hand, neither battery percentage or any other variable that could be used for automation is not used for (not interpreted in) the login field.

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