Stopping a function after IF condition is reached


I have a button that on each click, adds 1 to a variable. When this variable goes above 5, an alert is triggered. However, after this the trigger is still constantly activated. I have tried using == for the checks rather then > , but it does the same thing. Any ideas?

// Declare the variable
  var generic_counter = 0;
  // Log the variable
  // When button is clicked, add 1 to the variable
  $(document).ready(function() {
    $(".generic").click(function(add_generic) {
      if (generic_counter > 5) {
        alert("You've been looking up a lot about GENERIC, maybe contact this group?")
      } else {
        generic_counter += 1;

If you use == (or ===) for the comparison, and always increase the counter, the alert only comes at the sixth click.

Note: Declare the variable inside the ready event handler, it doesn't need to be a global variable.

// When button is clicked, add 1 to the variable
$(document).ready(function() {

  // Declare the variable
  var generic_counter = 0;
  // Log the variable

  $(".generic").click(function() {
    if (generic_counter == 6) {
      alert("You've been looking up a lot about GENERIC, maybe contact this group?");


You can also unregister the event handler using the off method once the altert has been shown, if you don't want to continue counting:

// When button is clicked, add 1 to the variable
$(document).ready(function() {

  // Declare the variable
  var generic_counter = 0;
  // Log the variable

  $(".generic").click(function() {
    if (generic_counter == 6) {
      alert("You've been looking up a lot about GENERIC, maybe contact this group?");


For a more generic solution you can make a plugin:

$.fn.clickUntil(cnt, message) {
  var elements = this;
    if (--cnt == 0) {

Then you can easily make messages for several elements. Example:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var items = [
    { selector: '.generic', name 'GENERIC' },
    { selector: '.super', name 'SuPeR' },
    { selector: '.mordor', name 'M0rd0r' }
  $.each(items, function(i, o){
    $(o.selector).clickUntil(6, 'You've been looking up a lot about ' + + ', maybe contact this group?');

Collected from the Internet

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