How can I use List<object> with Integer and Float ?in java

محمد التويجري

In fact, I want to use "normOfVector()" method with Integer, and Float, but I couldn't

I get this error:

The method normOfVector(ArrayList) in the type TestMethod is not applicable for the arguments (ArrayList)

    package code;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class TestMethod

    public static float normOfVector(ArrayList<Integer> list)
        float sum = 0.0f;
        for (Integer i : list)
            sum = sum + (float) (i * i);
        // end for

        return (float) Math.sqrt(sum);
    }// end function

    public static void main(String[] args)

        // In this case no Problem
        ArrayList<Integer> listI = new ArrayList<>();
        float result = normOfVector(listI);

        // In this case will not work
        ArrayList<Float> listF = new ArrayList<>();
        result = normOfVector(listF);

    }// end main

}// end class

My point is:

I want to create a method that accept the two cases.

Thank you.


In your first block your are computing numbers but storing them as objects. You should be storing them as Integer or Float, or maybe Double or Number, but not Object. Second in your cos(...) method you should limit what kind of parameters are accepted by changing the declaration to List<Integer>, List<Float> or List<? extends Number>. It may help to study up on java generics and especially using the PECS principle.

Collected from the Internet

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