How do I show a JS variable on the TITLE tag?

Carlos Carlsen
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <p id="timer"></p>
  var a = 30;
  var b = 1;

  var c = document.getElementById('timer').innerHTML = a - b;

Thanks for taking your time to look at this!

How would I show VARIABLE C inside the HTML TITLE tag??



The point for this is to make a countdown timer that will show your time in your tab so you don't have to keep checking. Also, right now it just subtracts 1, how would I make it KEEP subtracting??


I appreciate it

Oleksandr T.

You can use document.title, like so

  var a = 30;
  var b = 1;

  var c = document.getElementById('timer').innerHTML = a - b;
  document.title = c;

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