Returning a copy of class


Let's say I have a linked list.

class LinkedList {
    private Node head;
    private int length;

    private class Node {
        Element element;
        Node next;

    public LinkedList tail() { }

How would I implement tail so that:

  1. It returns the LinkedList, without the Head element.
  2. Any changes made to the original LinkedList is reflected upon what tail returns

Things I've tried:

  // This fails because it creates a new LinkedList, and modifying 'this' won't affect the new LinkedList.
  public LinkedList tail() {
    LinkedList temp = new LinkedList();
    temp.head =;
    temp.length = this.length - 1;
    return temp;

  // This fails because it modifies the original LinkedList.
  public LinkedList tail() {
    LinkedList temp = this;
    temp.head =;
    temp.length = this.length - 1;
    return temp;

Basically, I need tail to point at the


Create a subclass of LinkedList which wraps the original:

class TailList extends LinkedList {
  LinkedList list;
  TailList(LinkedList list) { this.list=list;}
  Node head() { return list.head().next; }
  int length() { return list.length()-1;}

Of course you have to encapsulate the fields in LinkedList first. I would actually turn LinkedList into an interface, turn your current LinkedList into LinkedListImpl implements LinkedList and add the TailList as described above.

class LinkedListImpl implements LinkedList{
  LinkedList tail(){ return new TailList(this); }

Btw. I recommend considering immutable data structures...

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