Oracle: Create a function that returns a set of values?

Mark Harrison

I have a table of keywords

select * from keywords;

id kw    
-- --    
 1 foo 
 1 bar   
 2 foo

and a query that will select rows from a master table based on those keywords.

select id, stuff from assets
 where id in (select unique id from keywords where kw = 'foo');

id stuff
-- -----
 1   ...
 2   ...

How can I turn the subquery into a function? i.e. I would like a function to return a set of values that can be used by an IN clause.

select id, stuff from assets
 where id in HAS_KEYWORD('foo');

Table names differ a bit but the solution works

    create table tab (  
      key number,
      val number

    create table foe(
      col1 number,
      col2 varchar2(3)

    insert into tab values (0,3);
    insert into tab values (1,4);
    insert into tab values (2,5);

    insert into foe values (3,'YES');
    insert into foe values (4,'YES');
    insert into foe values (5,'NO');

    create type t_return is table of number;
    create or replace function fnc(str varchar2) 
      return t_return pipelined is
      for rec in (select col1 from foe where col2 = str) loop
        pipe row(rec.col1);
      end loop;

    select * from tab where val in (select * from table(fnc('YES')))

Collected from the Internet

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