check if file with certain file extension present in folder using batch script

Manas Mohanta

I want to check a certain file extension in the folder using batch script

Its like,

if exist <any file with extension .elf>
  do something
  do something else

Here file name may be anything but only extension(.elf) is important


In the simplest case the batch language includes a construct for this task

if exist *.elf (
    :: file exists - do something 
) else (
    :: file does not exist - do something else

where the if exist will test for existence of an element in the current or indicate folder that matches the indicated name/wildcard expression.

While in this case it seems you will not need anything else, you should take into consideration that if exist makes no difference between a file and a folder. If the name/wildcard expression that you are using matches a folder name, if exists will evaluate to true.

How to ensure we are testing for a file? The easiest solution is to use the dir command to search for files (excluding folders). If it fails (raises errorlevel), there are no files matching the condition.

dir /a-d *.elf >nul 2>&1 
if errorlevel 1 (
    :: file does not exist - do something
) else (
    :: file exists - do something else

Or, using conditional execution (just a little abreviation for the above code)

dir /a-d *.elf >nul 2>&1 && (
    :: file does exist - do something
) || ( 
    :: file does not exist - do something else 

What it does is execute a dir command searching for *.elf , excluding folders (/a-d) and sending all the output to nul device, that is, discarding the output. If errorlevel is raised, no matching file has been found.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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