Why is it "bad" to use cin for numeric variables?


My current professor states on his syllabus:

"Never use cin >> to read directly into a numeric variable, like int or double or float. Read as a string (C or C++) and convert to a number using atoi or atof."

Is there a reason for this? At first I thought it is to avoid fail flags but if you just add input validation code isn't it fine to "cin >> myInt"?

Using his method, if they entered "4a5" and I did atoi wouldn't it still throw an error?


Lightness Races in Orbit

In general, there is nothing wrong with it at all. This advice would seem to be wrong.

In fact, by relying solely on stoi and friends, you lose any ability to control the conversion process. You might want to use these in some very domain-specific cases where you want to extract a specific number of characters and then attempt to convert them, but that's down to business logic.

Certainly, relying on antiquated code like atoi is even worse, what with its undefined behaviour on encountering many failure cases.

Collected from the Internet

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