Call to undefined method; how to fix?

Sheikh Noman Mehmood

I'm getting the following fatal error in PHP:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method CoffeeModel::GetCoffeeByType() in C:\wamp\www\12.01.2015 Class 01\Coffee Website\Controller\CoffeeController.php on line 37

Call Stack
#   Time    Memory  Function    Location
1   0.0030  142264  {main}( )   ..\Coffee.php:0
2   0.0130  162800  CoffeeController->CreateCoffeeTables( ) ..\Coffee.php:15

The code for the above error is shown below:

function CreateCoffeeTables($types)
    $coffeeModel = new CoffeeModel();

    $coffeeArray = $coffeeModel->GetCoffeeByType($types);
    $result = "";

    // Generate a coffeeTable for each coffeeEntity in array
    foreach ($coffeeArray as $key => $coffee) {
        $result = $result .
            "<table class = 'coffeeTable'>
            <th rowspan='6' width= '150px' ><img runat = 'server' src = '$coffee->image'/></th>
            <th width = '75px' >Name: </th>

            <th>Type: </th>

            <th>Price: </th>

            <th>Roast: </th>

            <th>Origin: </th>

            <td colspan='2' >$coffee->review</td>

    return $result;

In this Code the CoffeeModel Class are present


require ("Entities/CoffeeEntity.php");

// contains database related code for the coffee type

class CoffeeModel

  //  Get all coffee types from the database and return them in an array

function GetCoffeeTypes()


 require 'Credentials.php';

 //Open connection and Select database

 mysql_connect($host, $user, $password) or die (mysql_error());


 $result = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT type FROM coffee") or die(mysql_error());

 $types = array();

 // Get data from databse

 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))


    array_push($types, $row[0]);


// Close connection and return


  return $types;  


// GET coffeeEntity objects from the database and return them in an array.

function GetCoffeeByType($type)


require 'Credentials.php';

// Open connection and select database

mysql_connect($host, $user, $password) or die (mysql_error());


 $query = "SELECT * FROM coffee WHERE LIKE '$type'";

 $result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());

 $coffeeArray = array();

 //GET Data from Database

 while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))


    $name = $row[1];

    $type = $row[2];

    $price = $row[3];

    $roast = $row[4];

    $country = $row[5];

    $image = $row[6];

    $review = $row[7];

    // Create Coffee objects and store them in an array

    $coffee = new CoffeeEntity (-1, $name, $type, $price, $roast, $country, $image, $review);

    array_push($coffeeArray, $coffee);


 // CLose connection and return result


 return $coffeeArray;


How can I fix this?

Kai Qing

Ok, focusing on only the issue posted, your problem is that you close the class after the first method:

} <---- this closing bracket is terminating the class

// GET coffeeEntity objects from the database and return them in an array.

function GetCoffeeByType($type)


Just move that one bracket to the end of the file and it should work. Next after that is to brush up on class organization but that's another story.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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