Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON using JSON.stringfy inside Jquery.each


I created this code to send user invites by websocket but It doesn't work and shows this error:

Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

$.each(formAttibutes, function(index, formAttribute){
    if (formAttribute[0].value !== 0) {
        if (formAttribute[1].value !== 0) {
            var friend = {
                "name": formAttribute[0],
                "description": formAttribute[1],

Oh gosh I'm sleepy, sorry. As you said infinity reference (replace formAttribute[1] >> formAttribute[1].value) thanks!


I think you are looking to have a JSON stringified object containing the values in those elements (and not the elements themselves). For that, you can do:


var friend = {
    "name": formAttribute[0].value,
    "description": formAttribute[1].value


Note: The above is assuming formAttribute[0] and formAttribute[1] are DOMElements. If they are jQuery objects, you should use .val() instead.

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