Abstraction and Pure virtual methods

Miguel Mesquita Alfaiate

I am trying to implement some derived classes that inherit part of their behaviour from the base class. The base class is something like this:

class Number {
  virtual string getName() = 0;
  void writeName() {
   string name = this->getName();
   printf("My Name is %s\n", name.c_str());

  Number() {

class One : Number {
 string getName() {return string("One");}

class Two : Number {
 string getName() {return string("Two");}

int main() {
 One *n = new One();

I would expect this to output "My Name is One", but I get an exception saying 'pure virtual method called'. Am I approaching this the wrong way? Or am I missing something in the declaration of the classes and members, and so I am achieving this unexcpted result? Or is this actually the expected result, and if so, how can I achieve what I need?

Sergey Kalinichenko

You get this exception because you are calling the method from inside the constructor. According to C++ rules, all virtual member functions inside a class constructor are dispatched to implementations inside the class itself, not its subclass. The logic behind this decision is that otherwise a member function would run on an object before its initialization has been completed.

There is no workaround to this: if you need constructors of subclasses to perform different actions, the code performing these actions should be placed inside subclass constructors themselves.

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