Regular expression: when every alternate character is a digit


I am trying to write a Linux command using egrep that validates lines whose even character is a number.

I am doing it this way:

egrep "^(.[0-9])*$" text.txt 

However, this fails for i) empty lines and ii) cases where the number of characters is odd. It should match 123 since the only odd position is indeed a number, but it doesn't.

Valid patterns:


Invalid patterns:


Could anyone please tell me what mistake I am making?

EDIT: The only restriction is that every alternate character needs to be even; the length of the entire line might be even or odd. The command above only allows even length ex: 1234,a1b2c3 etc but even 123,a1b are valid but this doesn't match them. My question is: How to handle this?


Your regular expression will match empty lines because * means "zero or more" so ^(.[0-9])*$ matches on an empty line. You can fix that by using + ("match 1 or more") instead.

Your next problem is that you don't match if the number of characters on a line is even. To avoid that, you can tell grep to also allow 0 or 1 character at the very end:

grep -E "^(.[0-9])+.?$" 

For example:

$ cat file 


$ grep -E "^(.[0-9])+.?$" file

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