Restart immediately after installing Windows updates, regardless of active hours


Let's say I have a major update for Windows 10, e.g. the feature update to version 1803 or perhaps a larger monthly cumulative update. I want to leave the update running unattended after I start it, perhaps while I'm out of the house, but a restart is needed to complete the update and the active hours are set so that it won't restart itself unless it's nighttime.

Can I tell Windows to restart as soon as the updates are finished, regardless of the current time or whether there are applications running?

My main desktop runs Windows 10 Pro, so Group Policy is an option, but an answer that does not require Pro features is preferred.


This feature was implemented in Windows 10 version 1903. It can be enabled in the Windows Settings app, in Update & Security > Windows Update > Advanced options:

Windows Update settings Windows Update advanced settings, showing the option to restart immediately after installing an update

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