Windows 8.1 - How do I change font color for date and time?

Harry Smith

I've been looking at this post and the solution says to save a file as Dark.theme with the code:


[Control Panel\Colors]
ActiveTitle=255 255 255
InactiveTitle=255 255 255
InactiveTitleText=255 255 255
TitleText=255 255 255

[Control Panel\Desktop]



Now, this worked fine for the window titles but does not change the font color for the date and time, nor for the window previews. It also doesn't work in the file explorer but I'm not hugely bothered about that (unless there's an easy fix).



I have outlined the desirable effects in green and the undesirable black font in green. Could anyone help me out here?

Harry Smith

I've solved the issue now using the following guide:


enter image description here

Note that even the minimise, expand and close window icons have been made white!

I cannot post the link to the other image (low reputation) but the dates have been made white also.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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