Shaping outgoing traffic with iptables


On my laptop, when I run any downloads, torrents, etc, browsing is crippled.

I read somewhere that you could configure your iptables powered router to prioritize certain network traffic.

Could I do the same on my pc for all network traffic? I would like to prioritize packets in the following order:

  1. SSH
  2. Gaming
  3. Browsing
  4. Chat
  5. Downloads/Torrents

The Linux kernel has the ability to do traffic shaping / QoS which can be set up using the tc(8) command (not iptables). The full details are too much to go in to an answer here, but as a first step you may want to look at the Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control howto.

There are also a number of applications that build on the tc command to allow you to more easily define shaping rules such as wondershaper or as part of a firewall system such as shorewall.

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