How can I count the number of equal words between two strings?


How can I count the number of words that appear in two strings?

I'm thinking in something like this

      let $nequalwords := count($item[text() eq $speech])

What is the best way to do this?

I thought to go with a two fors comparing word by word, but I don't know if there are a better way to do this.


How about splitting the strings on white space so that you end up with words, and then creating a sequence of the strings and removing those that are not distinct, i.e. those that appear in both strings, by then subtracting this from the count of all words you know how many words appeared in both strings. For example:

  let $distinct-words1 := distinct-values(tokenize($string1, "\s+"))
  let $distinct-words2 := distinct-values(tokenize($string2, "\s+"))
  let $all-words := ($distinct-words1, $distinct-words2)
    count($all-words) - count(distinct-values($all-words))

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