In response header Content-encoding: gzip is present, but in request header Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate is missing


In request header Accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, is missing, but in response header Content-encoding: gzip is present. does it cause compression failed. if yes, how to avoid it??

Request URL:

Request Method: GET

Status Code: 200 OK 200 OK

Request Headers

Accept:  */*
Referer:  somthing.comsomthing.aspx
User-Agent:  Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.111 Safari/537.36
X-DevTools-Emulate-Network-Conditions-Client-Id:  2D3ED9B5-95BD-4984-9EEE-405C2889F11E

Response Headers

Accept-Ranges:  bytes
Content-Encoding:  gzip
Content-Length:  884
Content-Type:  application/x-javascript
Date:  Tue, 28 Oct 2014 11:09:13 GMT
ETag:  "0ac99ce3e9fcf1:0"
Last-Modified:  Mon, 14 Jul 2014 08:37:12 GMT
Server:  Microsoft-IIS/8.0
Vary:  Accept-Encoding
X-Powered-By:  ASP.NET
Jeroen Mostert

From RFC 7231:

A request without an Accept-Encoding header field implies that the user agent has no preferences regarding content-codings. Although this allows the server to use any content-coding in a response, it does not imply that the user agent will be able to correctly process all encodings.

In short: if you specify no Accept-Encoding, it's legal (though ill-advised) for the server to send you compressed content. There doesn't appear to be a solid, reliable way to tell a web server that it should definitely not compress. You can try Accept-Encoding: *;q=0 or Accept-Encoding: identity, but support for this is not universal across web servers, and proxies can mess things up as well.

In the end you are probably better off with simply handling compressed content if it comes back as such -- there is no good reason for a client to not support compression and libraries for this are freely available.

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