Returning function values in pair C


I am solving a problem in C, but I have difficulty in connecting parts of my script.

I define a type pair as follows:

typedef struct pair {
    double x, y;
} pair;

Now, I would like to return the values in the function as pairs but I don't understand how to do that.

pair predcorr(double t, double x, double y, double h) { 

    double Newx = x + 1.0/2.0 * h * (dxdt(t, x, y) + dxdt(t+h, x+(h*dxdt(t, x, y)), y+(h*dxdt(t, x, y))));
    double Newy = y + 1.0/2.0 * h * (dydt(t, x, y) + dydt(t+h, x+(h*dydt(t, x, y)), y+(h*dydt(t, x, y))));
    return ????,

How that would work, is it possible to provide me with some explanation?

David C. Rankin

The easiest way to explain passing and returning structure values is with an example. When passing complex data structures to/from functions, the struct is usually passed and returned as a pointer. This also requires that your function prototype return be consistent with the type you want returned. (this could just as well been declared as a void functions since the values for the pair are filled in during execution of the function itself.)

Note: to pass pair as a pointer, the struct address is passed to predcorr. So if you declare a static instance of pair you need to precede it with the & address of operator.

Here is a short example with made-up functions to show you how this would work with your code:

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct pair {
    double x, y;
} pair;

double dxdt (double a, double b, double c)   /* totally made up functions */
{  return a*a + 2 * a * b + c * c;  }

double dydt (double a, double b, double c) 
{  return 2*a*a - 4 * a * b - 2 * c * c; }

/* function accepts and returns a pointer to struct pair */
pair *predcorr (pair *ptr, double t, double x, double y, double h) { 

    double Newx = x + 1.0/2.0 * h * (dxdt(t, x, y) + dxdt(t+h, x+(h*dxdt(t, x, y)), y+(h*dxdt(t, x, y))));
    double Newy = y + 1.0/2.0 * h * (dydt(t, x, y) + dydt(t+h, x+(h*dydt(t, x, y)), y+(h*dydt(t, x, y))));

    ptr-> x = Newx;
    ptr-> y = Newy;

    return ptr;

int main () {

    double t = 5;           /* made up initial example values   */
    double x = 2;
    double y = 7;
    double h = 3;

    pair mypair = {0,0};    /* declare instance of struct pair  */

    predcorr (&mypair, t, x, y, h); /* call predcorr pass ptr   */

    /* print the values as returned in mypair */
    printf ("\nThe Newx/Newy values are:\n\n");
    printf ("  Newx : %lf\n  Newy : %lf\n\n", mypair.x, mypair.y);

    return 0;

output of (made-up) values:


The Newx/Newy values are:

  Newx : 132336.500000
  Newy : -185504.000000

Your other option is to dynamically allocate new storage for a struct pair in predcorr each time it is called. You would not have to pass a pointer to the function, and you would simply assign the return of the function call to a pointer of struct pair in your main function. The only additional requirement is that you are now responsible for freeing the data associated with the return to prevent memory-leaks in your code. It's not hard, but takes just a little more effort that can confuse at this state of the game. Look it over and let me know if you have any questions.

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