Facebook Login - JavaScript or PHP SDK


I am at the stage where I am thinking of integrating a social login method into my site. Of course my first one will be the facebook login before moving onwards.

Basically my question is : Which language is best for this type of OAuth connection, and which is going to let me do everything I want?

This will encompass all OAuth connections in general eventually, but specifically Facebook for now.

From what I have read of the documentation, the JavaScript SDK allows you to login, and connect to the open graph API - which in turn will allow me to post / upload etc etc. This is also available in PHP.

From experience which is the more durable route to go?



The best and recommend way to authorize users is the JavaScript SDK (FB.login). No redirect needed (better usability), very easy to handle, no PHP needed (the new PHP SDK needs PHP 5.4+). Use PHP only for stuff that involves usage of the App Secret or Extended Access Tokens. And for cron jobs, obviously. You can even just forget about the PHP SDK and use your own CURL calls.

Btw, security is no problem, you should just activate "appsecret_proof" in the App Settings.

More information about appsecret_proof:

One more reason (and one of the most important ones) is the possibility to refresh Access Tokens (=User Sessions) easily without page refresh by using FB.getLoginStatus.

And another reason is that you need to upgrade to new PHP SDK versions on your own. The JavaScript SDK does not need any upgrades, in the lase few years you only had to change one or two parameters in some cases, the SDK gets downloaded from the Facebook servers.

Also, if you add Social Plugins, you need the JavaScript SDK anyway.

Collected from the Internet

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