How do I copy one vector to another vector in Java without updating the original vector?


I am copying a vector to another vector of same type.And modifying the copy vector but the original vector is also getting update I don't understand why?

Vector<allocated>finished_copy=new Vector<allocated>();

I am printing the value of original vector after and before modification

for(int k=0;k<finished.size();k++) {
}//some modification on finished_copy

And printing the original but both are different

Please help me in this

JB Nizet

You're not doing any copy. All you're doing is assigning the same Vector to another variable:


finished ------> [a, b, c, d]


finished ------> [a, b, c, d]
finished_copy ---/

Here's how you would copy all the elements of a Vector into another one:

Vector<Allocated> finishedCopy = new Vector<>(finished);


Vector<Allocated> finishedCopy = new Vector<>();

This, however, will create two different vectors containing references to the same Allocated instances. If what you want is a copy of those objects, then you need to create explicit copies. Without doing a copy, changing the state of an object in the first list will also change its state in the second one, since both lists contain references to the same ojects.

Note that:

  • classes should start with an uppercase letter
  • variables should not contain underscares, but be camelCased
  • Vector should not be used anymore. ArrayList should be, since Java 2. We're at Java 8.

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