Swift Cannot assign to self in a method

Olexiy Pyvovarov

I've just faced a strange problem

I have a class called Letter

class Letter
    init() {}

And I have an extension for this class:

extension Letter
    convenience init(file_path:String) { self = Letter.loadFromFile(file_path)}
    class func loadFromFile(file_path:String)->Letter {...}

I need to create and init with path to file and when i call Letter(file_path) I need a new object that returned by a func loadFromFile. How to assign in an init method or to return a new object?

//Edit The same problem...


Class functions that return instances of that class seems to be an anti-pattern in Swift. You'll notice that the "with" Objective-C class methods like [NSString stringWithString:@"some other string"] made the transition as "with"-less convenience initializers: NSString(string: "some other string").

Furthermore, you'll need to delegate to a designated initializer from within a convenience initializer.

Also, since you're 1) defining the original class and 2) don't need the convenience initializer scoped differently than the designated initializer, I don't see any reason to place it in an extension.

Putting those together:

class Letter {
    init() { … }

    convenience init(filePath: String) {

    func loadFromFile(filePath: String) { … }

let letter1 = Letter()

let letter2 = Letter(filePath: "path2")

In summary, the analogy for assigning to self in Swift is calling an initializer.

Let me know if this works for you!

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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