Strange behavior on xcode6 compiling for iOS7


Recently I updated xcode to version 6.

Until know my application worked perfectly for the iOS 7 on xcode5.

However, now when i run my app in the xcode6 for the iOS 7 i have a totally strange behavior on my collectionViews.

enter image description here

However in the iOS 8 still works perfectly. enter image description here

Any idea what could be leading to this behavior ?

Thanks in advance


after many hours around the problem , I discovered that the problem came from the cells of colllectionview . Although the sizes are correct , it's contentView was broken, and causes this strange behavior in iOS7.

The solution from me was add in my custom cell:

self.contentView.frame = self.bounds;
self.contentView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;

I hope it helps someone with the same problem.

Collected from the Internet

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