Algo to find nth compartment

Simran kaur

I have a large box say the BIG COMPARTMENT, this compartment is divided horizontally into multiple compartments of equal units.

Details: 1.The BIG compartment has its leftmost end on negative x axis and rightmost end on positive x axis so in between there are negative transforms.

What we have: 1. Number of compartments 2.starting X position of Big compartment 3.Ending X position of Big compartment 4.x position of an object placed on that BIG compartment

What we want: The nth number of compartment on which the object is based on the position of object.

Problem: Can not derive a formula that can handle position of object while on negative x to calculate the nth compartment .

What I guessed:

(width of compartment - position of object)/number of compartment

But this does not work at all with negatives

Anshul Goyal

Let x_start, x_end, x_obj and n denote starting X coordinate, ending X coordinate, X coordinate of object, and number of compartment repectively.

Then the compartment in which object falls = [(x_obj - x_start)/(x_end - x_start)] * n

This assumes that if x_starts falls on the shared edge of 2 compartments, than it goes into the left compartment

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