passing parameters in url through form action in php functions


I am using web services to get the parameter from SOAP client successfully. I want to pass this parameters in url through html form so that i can connect to my system with this parameters. I have 2 functions. Function login() is to set the parameters for the connection from SOAP client and function getVehicle() to get this parameters. In getVehicle() i want to send the parameters user, hash password, dealer_number, corporate_group_id to client.php from url. And this parameters i want to send from form action without submit button.


    function login()
        $wsdl = '';
        $options = array('trace' => true);

        $params = array(
          'user' =>               utf8_encode('deshmukh'),
          'password' =>           utf8_encode('deshmukh'),
          'corporate_group_id' => '101',
          'dealer_number' =>      'INT31303',
          'dms_id' =>             'A13T2D19',
          'dms_image_url' =>      '', 
          'dms_keepalive_url' =>  '', 
          'dms_followup_url' =>   ''  

        $client = new SoapClient($wsdl, $options);  
        $result = $client->Login($params);      
        return $return;

if($parameter['aktion'] == 'getVehicle') 

//form action here         


You can have the data transferred to your client.php as a GET request using the built-in php function file_get_contents() like this:

if ($parameter['aktion'] == 'getVehicle') 

    // send the data to your system
    $system_url = '';
    header("Location: $system_url?user=$user_login&password=$password&dealer_number=$dealer_no&corporate_group_id=$group_id");

If you want, you can have client.php reurn a "success" or "error" output and you'll have it on the $response variable and you can log it or do something else with it.

Collected from the Internet

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