How to return any type value like -performSelector?

Mr. Ming

The return-type of -performSelector method is id, and I found this in Apple document:

For methods that return anything other than an object, use NSInvocation.

But the following code works well:

BOOL boolValue = (BOOL)[self performSelector:@selector(boolValue)];

It can return id, BOOL, NSInteger, etc. I want to know how to do that? Because casting a BOOL or NSInteger to id in the return statement caused an error:

Cast of 'NSInteger' (aka 'long') to 'id' is disallowed with ARC

Thanks in advance!

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Thank you for the answers.

I know it is not good to do that and I also know how to use NSInvocation, I just want to know how does -performSelector method implemented.

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Finally, I found it ...

Bryan Chen

In addition to use NSInvocation as said in other answers, you can also use call the implementation function directly if you know the type at compile-time.

SEL sel = @selector(boolValue);
IMP imp = [self methodForSelector:sel];
BOOL value = ((BOOL (*)(id, SEL))imp)(self, sel);

You have to cast imp to the correct type, otherwise it is undefined behavior and crash if you are lucky.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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