Compare jquery .data() with String always false


First of all the fiddle:

In my HTML I have:

<div class="myClass" data-status="true"></div>
<div class="myClass" data-status="false"></div>

I want to add a CSS-class to a div depending on the status:

    // compare status
    if($(this).data('status') == 'true')

The Problem is, that always myFalseClass is added. My question is: How can the problem be fixed and why does it occur in the first place?


The .data() method will perform some auto-casting on [data-*] attributes, which makes passing data to the client very convenient.

As you're storing what would be auto-cast to a boolean, you can use:

if ($(this).data('status')) {
} else {

If you need to make sure that the value is true, and not just truthy (like a value of 1) then be sure to use a reference comparison:

if ($(this).data('status') === true) {
} else {

As an aside, there's no reason to call .each() when you could simply pass a function to .addClass():

$('.myClass').addClass(function () {
    return $(this).data('status') ? 'myTrueClass' : 'myFalseClass';

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